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Fun facts about flutes


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Fun facts about flutes


Fun facts about flutes


A flute can be defined as a musical instrument which produces sound when a person directs a stream of air against the edge of a hole, this causes the air that is in the instrument’s body to vibrate. A good number of flutes are tubular in shape but there are also globular-shaped ones. There are flutes that are played by the blowing of air into the mouthpiece which in turn directs the air against the edge of a hole, there are known as whistle flutes e.g. the globular ocarina and the tubular recorder. The panpipes and the Japanese bamboo flutes are usually held vertically, they are played by blowing some air against the edge of a hole that is located at the end of the flute. Lastly, transverse flutes are held horizontally and played by blowing some air against the edge of a hole that is located at the side of the flute.


Fun facts

Below are some fun and interesting facts about flutes that most people are not aware of:


Raw materials

Modern flutes are made from wood material that is effective in producing various sounds from metal flutes. Wooden flutes basically have mechanisms and metal keys. A majority of flutes are made using metal material. Flutes that are less expensive are made from nickel alloys as well as other materials. Flutes that are more expensive are plated with silver. The pads that are attached to keys surface in order to cover the holes are made from felt and cork.

Gold, bronze or steel are used in making the springs which provide tension so as to firmly hold the keys against the holes. The screws and pins are made of steel material. The mouthpiece may be made of the flute’s parent material or even platinum.


Fun facts about flutes



Each and very flute is a unique work of art that is individually crafted. This is because the flute-maker first takes the needs of the musician that will play the flute into consideration. Special changes may be made to the keys so as to accommodate special needs, this is normally the case with professional musicians.


The future

Since the middle of the 19th Century, there have been very few changes that have been made to the basic design of the modern transverse flute. However, flute-makers will definitely continue to look for ways to make some small but critical changes to individual instruments so as suit the needs of the individual musicians.



The above insightful information is far from exhaustive as there are many fun facts about flutes.


Keep reading: “Stories of Instruments – Flute”>>

Read on: “How to Utilize the Learning Style of a Child to Your Favor”>>


For more questions, contact us at or 646-838-3990. Willan Academy of Music offers piano lessons, singing lessons, and more in NYC, including Manhattan, Brooklyn, and Queens.

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