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Inspiration From the Life and Music of Frank Zappa


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Inspiration From the Life and Music of Frank Zappa


On December 21, 1940, in the town of Baltimore, Maryland, a baby that would later rock the world on its axis was born. His name was Frank Vincent Zappa, a first born of four who taught himself how to play the guitar and became a start at it. During his 30-year career as a music director, producer, songwriter, and guitarist, he embraced a wide range of music genres that included jazz, rock, synth, and symphonies. In addition to this, he directed films, spoke out about social issues, and designed album covers. He gave the world his best years and died from prostate cancer at the age of 52, surrounded by family. Many people looked as still view him as a musical pioneer and they truly felt his loss.


Frank Zappa Grew Up With Health Challenges

Frank’s father, Francis Vincent Zappa was a chemist and a mathematician and young Frank was exposed to the chemicals he worked with, which might have been the cause of his health challenges. Earlier on, Frank was interested in innovation via gadgets but he soon turned to music instead. During one of his concerts in 1971, he suffered a fall onstage and sustained very serious injuries that left him with a limp, a back pain, and a lowered voice that he had to live with for the rest of his life.


Zappa Directed Music Videos

He directed short films as well as features and he loved doing it. In fact, at some point, he was obsessed with synthetic music because he could make it into anything he wished. He was a social activist who was once a cultural liaison officer and even considered becoming a president.


Inspiration From the Life of Frank Zappa

The fact that Zappa had challenging health issues and suffered a dire accident that left marks did not stop him from reaching his goal and leaving his own mark in the world. This means that regardless of your situation, if your dream is to be a star, then a star you can be.

Zappa taking on his talents and spreading them to filming, directing, and producing means that you can spread your talents as well and conquer anything you want. He was an innovative filmmaker, a prolific artist, and an excellent musician. Anybody can be what he wants to be if he works at it.


Keep reading: “Inspiration from the Life of Mauro Giuliani”>>

Read on: “How to Utilize the Learning Style of a Child to Your Favor”>>


For more questions, contact us at or 646-838-3990. Willan Academy of Music offers piano lessons, singing lessons, and more in NYC, including Manhattan, Brooklyn, and Queens.

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