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Top 11 Interesting Facts about Violin


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Top 11 Interesting Facts about Violin


Top 11 Interesting Facts about Violin


As one of the most recognizable and renowned instruments, violin’s small shape and magnified sound can charm both players, listeners, and dreamers alike. Having 4 strings, the violin is played by drawing a bow across the strings. Here are the top 11 violin interesting facts

1. A violin bow is made up of at least 150 hairs. These can be nylon, horse hair, and other types of materials.

2. The colloquial term used to call violin is a fiddle. This term is mostly used when it’s specifically tuned during folk style.

3. Violin strings were first made using sheep gut which was dried, stretched, and twisted. Some other materials include stranded steel, solid steel, and plated steel

4. When violin is being played the bow is drawn at right angles. This is done with the right hand to produce the sound.

5. Violins come in different shapes and sizes to suit every player’s size and height. As a matter of fact, the smallest size of violin is 1/64. This size is suitable for children who are aged 2-3 years. This is to allow them to start learning violin when they are just starting to learn how to walk.

6. The world’s largest violin was made by 15 dedicated violin makers. Its 4.27 meters and 5.22 meters wide.

7. The most costly violin in the world was constructed by Giuseppe Guarneri in 1741. This violin was valued at $18 million.

8. As compared to other musical instruments, violins are very complex. When making a violin, over 70 pieces of wood are usually put together.

9. When regular strings are not available, you can use pieces strands of hair glued together. This will produce a very impressive sound. So, next time you snap your violin you know what to do.

10. In the violin family, the violin is the smallest instrument. It also produces the highest pitch as compared all the other four types of instruments.

11. Although violin is a popular instrument for classical instrument, it has also been used in more mainstream music such as chamber assembly, concertos, orchestras among others.


Keep reading: “Why learn scales on violin?”>>

Read on: “5 Ways to Sneak Violin Practice into Your Busy Schedule”>>

For more questions, contact us at or 646-838-3990. Willan Academy of Music offers piano lessons, guitar lessons, violin lessons, and more in NYC, including Manhattan, Brooklyn, and Queens.

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