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Make Guitar Practice Fun and Enjoyable



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Make Guitar Practice Fun and Enjoyable


Make Guitar Practice Fun and Enjoyable


Does the guitar exercise look more like a task than something you really enjoy? Do you find that practicing the guitar with your kid is not that fun? Well if having such a problem of getting bored or your kid loosing concentration during the practice then this article is for you.

A good way to make guitar fun is to constantly track your progress. This simple (but extremely important) action will benefit you in the following ways:


1. You become much more focused when you practice. To begin tracking your progress, you must first create goals that you are working towards. This will help you become much faster in the guitar because it gives you something to compare your current level with.


2. You start the contest against yourself for better results. If you follow your musical progress consistently, it will be like a game to see how many results you can achieve each week. Think about playing a game but never interested in keeping the score … it would not be that exciting, would it? Against this background, most guitarists do just that by not following their progress.


3. You’ll feel massively motivated to improve on the guitar by getting feedback on your game every week. Once your guitar practice begins to deliver tons of results, the whole process becomes extremely engaging. Of course, if your exercise is fun, you’ll do more … which will result in even greater overall progress!


4. Your confidence in becoming a better guitarist will skyrocket. By having a positive attitude towards a better player, plant the seed for your musical future.


So after reading this, structure to make that during your guitar practice with your kid is fun and leaves your kid asking for more time. Enjoy practicing with your kid and bring your kid to the next level of guitarists.


Keep reading: “FAQ by beginning guitarists”>>

Read on: “3 Ways to Make Guitar Practice Fun Again”>>



For more questions, contact us at or 646-838-3990. Willan Academy of Music offers piano lessons, singing lessons, and more in NYC, including Manhattan, Brooklyn, and Queens.

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