
Tim Cummiskey

Educator, 616 score
  • Teacher


Pre-recorded Lessons & Courses


12 lessons listed on 3 pages:

Lesson Course

Bebop Embellisments

Comprehensive and practical application of chromaticism in improvisation and harmony.

$30.00 USD Buy Lesson


Major 2-5-1 progression. Part 2.

Development of harmonic concepts applied to the Major 2-5-1 progression.

$15.00 USD Buy Lesson


Tenor Madness-Performance, analysis and explanation.

Tenor Madness-Performance, analysis and explanation.

$15.00 USD Buy Lesson


Sunny-Performance, analysis and explanation.

Sunny-Performance, analysis and explanation.

$15.00 USD Buy Lesson


How Insensitive-Performance, analysis and explanation.

Performance and explanation of "How Insensitive".

$20.00 USD Buy Lesson


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