
Sound Minded Music Academy

Voice Lessons, Vocal Coaching, Guitar Lessons, Bass Guitar Lessons, Piano Lessons

Educator, 501 score
  • Teacher

Denver, CO, United States

Guitar, Bass Guitar, Piano

Youth, Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced

Rock & Roll, Dance, Electronic, Grunge, Hip Hop, Metal, R&B, Punk, Ska, Theory

In Person, Remote

About Sound Minded Music Academy

I am not just someone who plays music, I am a great teacher and coach. I have been writing and performing music since I was twelve years old, and I have been teaching for over fifteen years. I make learning music and singing fun and interesting. My main goal is to inspire a love and understanding of the art form in a way that is simple yet challenging, and tailored to your unique goals and learning styles. I do not have a set method that I drag every student through like many of the other music schools I have seen. I pay attention to who each of my students are, how they learn and what they like, and I create lessons that are designed for them as individuals.

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3391 S Ulster Ct, Denver, CO 80231, United States

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Sound Minded Music Academy
Voice Lessons, Vocal Coaching, Guitar Lessons, Bass Guitar Lessons, Piano Lessons and Music Theory Instruction. Denver, Colorado.

Contact Sound Minded Music Academy

(720) 201-9744

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Chris Evans manages this studio and has these badges:

  • Teacher

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