
SoundLife Music Lessons

Educator, 501 score
  • Teacher

Los Angeles, CA, United States

Voice (or Vocals), Violin, Piano, Mandolin, Bass Guitar, Guitar, Drums

Youth, Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, Master

Theory, Rock & Roll, Reggae, R&B, Metal, Jazz, Gospel, Funk, Folk, Blues, Bebop

In Person, Remote, Group Classes

About SoundLife Music Lessons

SoundLife offers one-on-one in-home music lessons in Guitar, Bass, Drums, Piano, Voice, Songwriting, and Production within the Los Angeles area and online via Skype. You will learn popular songs and techniques, music theory, sight reading, improvisation, and other vital skills. Along with the academic benefits of music, our teachers will share valuable performance skills, information about supplemental equipment and accessories, and teach students how to take the stage. All students will have the opportunity to take part in our annual recitals. Most importantly, you will learn how to take your playing to the next level!

Our teachers have received their education from prestigious institutions such as New York University, Berklee College of Music, Musicians Institute, University of North Texas, University of Southern California, and Los Angeles Academy of Music. All of our instructors have gone on to have successful performance careers, touring the US and beyond, having years of experience on stage and in the teaching room. In addition to their teaching credentials, our teachers have warm personalities, are extremely friendly and strive to get to know each student and their parent on a personal level. 


1254 Queen Anne place, Los Angeles, CA 90019, United States

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SoundLife Music Lessons
"One-on-One with the very best in the industry!"

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Christopher Vazquez manages this studio and has these badges:

  • Teacher

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