
Seattle Drum Studio

Awesome Drum Lessons!

Educator, 1,501 score
  • Early Adopter
  • Teacher

Seattle, Washington, United States


Youth, Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced

Afro-Cuban Rhythm, Bluegrass, Blues, Country, Dance, Disco, Funk, Fusion, Gospel, Grunge, Hip Hop, Hip-Hop, Jazz, Latin, Metal, New Age, Polka, Punk, R&B, Rap, Reggae, Rock & Roll, Salsa, Samba, Showtunes, Ska, Swing, Theory, Trip-Hop

In Person

About Seattle Drum Studio

Welcome to the Seattle Drum Studio page! My name is Jack Love, and I am the owner and teacher for Seattle Drum Studio. I offer lessons primarily for the drum set, but also percussion and snare drum lessons. I teach students of all ages, from 5 years old and up, as well as all skill levels.

Feel free to contact me directly if you would like to setup and interview and join the studio. You may email me using the contact info above, as well as visit my website at:

Thank you for checking out the studio!


Jack Love


12200 Aurora Ave N, Seattle, Washington 98133, United States

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Seattle Drum Studio
Anyone can learn the drums. It should be fun and easy!

Contact Seattle Drum Studio


Send An Inquiry

Jack Love manages this studio and has these badges:

  • Early Adopter
  • Teacher

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