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Teachers within 25 miles of Los Angeles, California, United States
Lori Moran Music
Los Angeles, California, United States
Piano, Guitar, Violin, Dobro, Mandolin
Big Band, Bluegrass, Blues, Cabaret, Celtic, Chamber Music, Classical, Country, Folk, Gospel, Jazz, Latin, New Age, Opera, R&B, Rock & Roll, Salsa, Showtunes, Ska, Sonata, Swing, Symphony, Theory
"For three years now I have been referring my students to Lori Moran Music Studio for vocal lesso... -
ZOT Zin Music
Los Angeles, California, United States
Bass Guitar, Guitar, Pedal Steel Guitar, Slide Guitar
Blues, Classical, Country, Folk, Hip-Hop, Jazz, Metal, Reggae, Rock & Roll, Theory
Take Sessions
Los Angeles, California, United States
Guitar, Voice (or Vocals), Piano
Electronic, Classical, Country, Dance, Disco, Hip Hop, Theory, Techno, Blues
Music lessons with a private instructor. -
Dani Ashjian
Los Angeles, California, United States
Guitar, Piano, Drums, Kalimba
Bluegrass, Blues, Cabaret, Celtic, Classical, Country, Dance, Disco, Electronic, Folk, Funk, Gospel, Grunge, Jazz, Metal, Punk, R&B, Reggae, Rock & Roll, Showtunes, Theory
SoundLife Music Lessons
Los Angeles, CA, United States
Voice (or Vocals), Violin, Piano, Mandolin, Bass Guitar, Guitar, Drums
Theory, Rock & Roll, Reggae, R&B, Metal, Jazz, Gospel, Funk, Folk, Blues, Bebop
"One-on-One with the very best in the industry!" -
April Love
Los Angeles, CA, United States
Piano, Guitar
Chill yourself out by cultivating your breathing and singing routine everyday. -
Beat Lab Academy
Los Angeles, CA, United States
none specified
Trip-Hop, Theory, Techno, Rock & Roll, R&B, Jazz, Hip-Hop, Hip Hop, Electronic, Dance, Beat
Beat Lab Academy offers beginner to advanced music production courses using Ableton Live. -
Carlos Campos
Los Angeles, CA, United States
Jazz, Latin, Bossa, Afro-Cuban Rhythm, Fusion, Salsa, Theory, Merengue, Bebop
Music can change the world because it can change people. ― Bono -
Recording Connection Audio Institute
Los Angeles, CA, United States
Study as an apprentice and train for audio careers inside a real recording studio. -
Taylor Maria
Los Angeles, CA, United States
Bass Guitar, Slide Guitar
Jazz Guitar , Electronic, Dance
Violin with Beth
Los Angeles, CA, United States
Classical, Country, Fiddle Music, Folk, Rock & Roll, Symphony
Bow with Beth! Take fun lessons with a professional studio musician! -
Lauren Elizabeth Brockie
Los Angeles, CA, United States
Voice (or Vocals)
Blues, Country, Folk, Funk, Gospel, Jazz, Musical Theater, R&B, Rock & Roll, Theory
Peaceland Music
Torrance, California, United States
Guitar, Bass Guitar, Slide Guitar, Pedal Steel Guitar, Drums, Piano, Voice (or Vocals), Banjo, Mandolin, Ukulele
Bebop, Big Band, Acid Jazz, Afro-Cuban Rhythm, Bluegrass, Blues, Cajun, Celtic, Chamber Music, Classical, Country, Dance, Disco, Electronic, Folk, Funk, Fusion, Gospel, Grunge, Hip Hop, Jazz, Latin, Metal, Musical Theater, New Age, Opera, Polka, Punk, R&B, Rap, Reggae, Rock & Roll, Salsa, Samba, Showtunes, Ska, Sonata, Swing, Symphony, Tango, Techno, Theory
"Our chops don't get old because we do... We get old because our chops do. Something new, every d... -
Long Beach, California, United States
Piano, Voice (or Vocals), Violin, Viola, Mandolin
Blues, Cabaret, Cajun, Celtic, Chamber Music, Classical, Country, Dance, Disco, Electronic, Fiddle Music, Funk, Folk, Gospel, Hip Hop, House, Jazz, Latin, Bebop, Big Band, Bluegrass, Acid Jazz, Afro-Cuban Rhythm, Beat, Fusion, Grunge, Hip-Hop, Merengue, Musical Theater, New Age, Opera, Polka, Punk, R&B, Reggae, Rock & Roll, Salsa, Samba, Showtunes, Ska, Sonata, Swing, Symphony, Techno, Tango, Theory, Trip-Hop
Offering music and acting private lessons to students of all ages (Belmont Shore), Artist Develop... -
Concert Music School
Huntington Beach, California, United States
Piano, Violin, Guitar, Cello, Ukulele, Voice (or Vocals), Flute
Classical, Jazz, Musical Theater
Piano/Keyboard Lessons by Marty B
Glendale, California, United States
Bass Guitar, Guitar, Piano
Blues, Classical, Country, Dance, Disco, Folk, Funk, Jazz, New Age, R&B, Rap, Swing, Theory
The piano covers it all: melody, harmony, rhythm. Play lush--play simple. Embrace the group--or b... -
Ed Krzyzaniak
Culver City, California, United States
Guitar, Bass Guitar, Piano, Voice (or Vocals)
Rock & Roll, Theory, Bluegrass, Country, Funk, Fusion, Folk, Gospel, Grunge, Metal, Jazz, R&B, Punk
I enjoy teaching all the shortcuts I wish I would have learned when I was first starting out! -
Guitar Lessons by Marty B
Glendale, California, United States
Bass Guitar, Double Bass (Standup Bass), Guitar, Slide Guitar
Afro-Cuban Rhythm, Big Band, Bluegrass, Blues, Classical, Country, Disco, Jazz, Latin, New Age, R&B, Reggae, Rock & Roll, Showtunes
Playing guitar harnesses both the power of a storm and the calmness of a smooth lake: it creates ... -
Rhythm Training by Marty B
Glendale, California, United States
Guitar, Piano
Afro-Cuban Rhythm, Beat, Big Band, Bluegrass, Blues, Classical, Dance, Disco, Funk, Grunge, House, Jazz, Latin, Merengue, Metal, New Age, Punk, R&B, Reggae, Rock & Roll, Salsa, Swing, Symphony, Theory
Rhythm is the foundation for everything: you play, you dance, you sing. The rhythm of the drums o... -
Bass Lessons by Marty B
Glendale, California, United States
Bass Guitar, Guitar, Piano
Acid Jazz, Afro-Cuban Rhythm, Beat, Bebop, Big Band, Bluegrass, Blues, Cabaret, Chamber Music, Classical, Country, Dance, Disco, Folk, Funk, Fusion, Gospel, House, Jazz, Latin, Merengue, Metal, Musical Theater, Punk, R&B, Reggae, Rock & Roll, Salsa, Samba, Showtunes, Ska, Symphony, Theory
It is the low end that monitors the groove and shakes the soul with almost subliminal vibrations.... -
Michael Partlow
Venice Beach, California, United States
Acid Jazz, Afro-Cuban Rhythm, Bebop, Big Band, Blues, Cabaret, Cajun, Funk, Fusion, Jazz, Latin, Musical Theater, R&B, Reggae, Rock & Roll, Samba, Showtunes, Swing
Singing Lessons by Ken Tamplin
Huntington Beach, California, United States
Bass Guitar
R&B, Country
Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy offers singing lessons at every level, from powerful singing lessons fo... -
Opus Music School
Rowland Heights, California, United States; Hacienda Heights, CA, United States
Piano, Guitar, Violin
Classical, Jazz, Rock & Roll, Theory
Start your musical adventure with Opus Music School! -
Personalized Music Lessons by Marty B
Glendale, California, United States; Glendale, CA, United States
Bass Guitar, Guitar, Piano
Big Band, Bluegrass, Blues, Classical, Country, Dance, Disco, Folk, Funk, Fusion, Jazz, Latin, Metal, New Age, Punk, R&B, Reggae, Rock & Roll, Salsa, Samba, Showtunes, Swing, Symphony, Theory
Music Instruction to Fulfill Your Passion!