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Drums Teachers within 25 miles of Downey, California, United States
Dani Ashjian
Los Angeles, California, United States
Guitar, Piano, Drums, Kalimba
Bluegrass, Blues, Cabaret, Celtic, Classical, Country, Dance, Disco, Electronic, Folk, Funk, Gospel, Grunge, Jazz, Metal, Punk, R&B, Reggae, Rock & Roll, Showtunes, Theory
Michael Partlow
Venice Beach, California, United States
Acid Jazz, Afro-Cuban Rhythm, Bebop, Big Band, Blues, Cabaret, Cajun, Funk, Fusion, Jazz, Latin, Musical Theater, R&B, Reggae, Rock & Roll, Samba, Showtunes, Swing
Peaceland Music
Torrance, California, United States
Guitar, Bass Guitar, Slide Guitar, Pedal Steel Guitar, Drums, Piano, Voice (or Vocals), Banjo, Mandolin, Ukulele
Bebop, Big Band, Acid Jazz, Afro-Cuban Rhythm, Bluegrass, Blues, Cajun, Celtic, Chamber Music, Classical, Country, Dance, Disco, Electronic, Folk, Funk, Fusion, Gospel, Grunge, Hip Hop, Jazz, Latin, Metal, Musical Theater, New Age, Opera, Polka, Punk, R&B, Rap, Reggae, Rock & Roll, Salsa, Samba, Showtunes, Ska, Sonata, Swing, Symphony, Tango, Techno, Theory
"Our chops don't get old because we do... We get old because our chops do. Something new, every d... -
Mark Wein
Orange, CA, United States
Guitar, Drums, Piano
Blues, Jazz, Rock & Roll, Funk, Country
Teaching Music for Life! -
SoundLife Music Lessons
Los Angeles, CA, United States
Voice (or Vocals), Violin, Piano, Mandolin, Bass Guitar, Guitar, Drums
Theory, Rock & Roll, Reggae, R&B, Metal, Jazz, Gospel, Funk, Folk, Blues, Bebop
"One-on-One with the very best in the industry!" -
LosAngeles, CA, United States
Funk, Electronic, Dance, Fiddle Music, Gospel, Folk, Grunge, New Age, Merengue, Cajun, Jazz, Latin, Rap, R&B, Punk, Hip Hop, Fusion, Rock & Roll, Theory, Salsa, Showtunes, Musical Theater, Afro-Cuban Rhythm, Blues, Celtic, Swing
Mastery requires more dedication than motivation.