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Clarinet Teachers within 25 miles of Boerne, Texas, United States
Neil Dusseault
Boerne, TX, United States
Saxophone, Flute, Clarinet, Trumpet, Trombone, Piano, Drums, Drum Machine, Violin, Fiddle
Big Band, Celtic, Chamber Music, Classical, Country, Dance, Disco, Electronic, Afro-Cuban Rhythm, Acid Jazz, Beat, Fiddle Music, Folk, Funk, Fusion, Gospel, Hip-Hop, Jazz, Latin, Merengue, Metal, Musical Theater, Native US, New Age, Opera, Polka, R&B, Rap, Reggae, Rock & Roll, Salsa, Samba, Showtunes, Swing, Symphony, Techno, Theory, Sonata, Bebop
My goal is to create life-long learners, so you may always find time for practice and a place to ... -
BlackBox Music & Arts
San Antonio, Texas, United States
Piano, Bass Guitar, Saxophone, Clarinet, Voice (or Vocals)
Blues, Classical, Dance, Hip Hop, Jazz, Musical Theater, R&B, Funk, Gospel, Beat, Rap, Theory
Enriching Lives through the Expressive Arts