
Russ Rodgers Bass Guitar Instruction

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Dissonant Notes On Chord Sounds


Knowing your different options on how to handle notes that cause tension against a chord sound can be a little tricky and confusing at first. The first important thing is to get to not being afraid of using these notes by getting to know them.  I recommend doing this by practicing playing these notes a lot with the chord and getting use to the way they sound. The next thing is get to know the ones you can land on and stay awhile verses the ones that only really work well as connectors. These choices are always going to affected and influenced by the way you use them rhythmically. Rhythm and groove is always going to be the deal breaker in whether something is going to sound good or not. The following online Skype bass lesson talks about and demonstrates dissonant notes on chord sounds. I hope you will consider Skype bass lessons with me for yourself. I can help you get better., check it out!



Russ Rodgers Bass Guitart Instruction

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