
Russ Rodgers Bass Guitar Instruction

The Very Best In Live Online Bass Guitar Instruction!!

Educator, 501 score
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Practicing The Way You re Going To Play


I think an very important aspect of practicing the bass guitar that is often overlooked is in the way you hold the instrument when you practice. Debates on exactly how high or low you should position the bass I’ll save for another post. The main point of this post is to suggest that however you decide to position your instrument, that you practice your bass in the same way you plan to perform on it. I believe that the more consistent you are with this, the quicker the internalization of the muscle memory. The following video Skype lesson is addressing this issue. I hope you will consider my live online Skype bass guitar lessons for your own playing. I can help you get better and this type of study really works. Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope to see you soon.

Russ Rodgers



Russ Rodgers Bass Guitart Instruction

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