
Russ Rodgers Bass Guitar Instruction

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Composing Jazz Walking Bass Lines Using Triads


As I have said in past blogs, the note job of a bass line in any style is to outline the chord sound using one note at a time. The best set of notes to use for this job are the note of the triad. In getting started with jazz walking bass lines for the 1st time, beginning with Triads works very well and will give you immediate results. Basically you put a root note on the first beat of each new chord and the fill the remaining beats of that chord with different combinations of the thirds and fifths. By starting your journey with jazz walking bass lines with triads you will establish a strong harmonic foundation so that when you start to add other walking techniques to your bass lines, they will always sound good. I would like to send a strong thank you to my teacher Kevin Bales for getting me into these triads. I hope to see you soon with your own live online Skype bass guitar lessons. I can help you get better!! – Russ Rodgers



Russ Rodgers Bass Guitart Instruction

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