
RI Kids Create Music School

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Thanks to the Sponsors of Destiny Africa Childrens Choir


The Destiny Africa Children's Choir paid a visit to the Common Fence Point Music Hall for a workshop in drumming and a performance.  The local children throroughly enjoyed the experience.

I was very impressed with the character and talent of the children as they sang, danced, and played drums for the audience.  Despite the harsh conditions they were subject to before they came to the orphanages, they seemed to be well adjusted children.  I have posted many of the photos in the photo section, so be sure to take a look there.  Our school has clothing on sale.  Please purchase a shirt for your children or yourself!

Thanks to all the sponsors of this event: 

                         99 East Main Road

                          Middletown, RI 02840

                               1345 West Main Road

                                Middletown, RI 02843

                                 82 East Main Road

                                 Middletown, RI 02843. 

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