
RI Kids Create Music School

Easy Beginner and Intermediate Piano Lessons

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The Destiny Children’s choir will be visiting with us on July 20, 2015. At that time, they will give a workshop on choral singing and African drumming. They will then give a performance at night for the community. We expect 200 children to be attending the camp and 200 guest for the performance.


We would like your company to be a sponsor for our events and we would be grateful for your support.

We have three levels of sponsorship for a brochure design:


Level 1 advertising -$25.00 business card size ad – Your logo and business name will be prominently displayed on our brochure.


Level 2 advertising – $50.00 quarter page size ad– Your logo and business name will be prominently displayed on our brochure.


Level 3 advertising - $100 – one half page size ad - Your logo and business name will be prominently displayed on our brochure.


Level 4 advertising – 175.00 – full page ad.


Thank you for you kind consideration of this request. If you would like to be a sponsor, please fill in your donation in the link at the event site.




Gail E. Cavanaugh

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