
Rachel Landers Double-Reed Studio

private oboe and bassoon lessons

Educator, 1,501 score
  • Early Adopter
  • Teacher

Cumming, GA, United States


Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced

Classical, Theory

In Person

About Rachel Landers Double-Reed Studio

M.M.Ed. from the University of Georgia

7 years teaching experience

All-State GA participation 9 times (piano and oboe), First Honor Graduate, Member of Mensa

Lessons are $25 per 30 minutes.  Students attend lessons weekly during the school year, and may choose to attend during the summer.  We focus on tone/intonation, audition music, band assignments, and reed-making.  Visit my website for more information.



Cumming, GA 30028, United States

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Rachel Landers Double-Reed Studio
Private oboe lessons and handmade reeds

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Rachel Landers manages this studio and has these badges:

  • Early Adopter
  • Teacher

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