
Chris Primeau

Educator, 501 score
  • Teacher

Austin, Texas, United States


Youth, Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced

Acid Jazz, Big Band, Blues, Funk, Folk, Country, Jazz, Rock & Roll, Punk, R&B

In Person

About Chris Primeau

Primeau Guitar Studio is one of the premier guitar learning studios in Austin, held in high esteem by students of all ages. I strive to create a pleasurable learning experience in an comfortable environment. Whether you’re just picking up the guitar for the first time or you’ve been playing for years, I work with the student to create a fun, progressive curriculum tailored to their individual learning style.

Unlike a large music, multi-teacher music school, at Primeau Guitar Studio, you’re not just another face in the crowd. I aim to create a personal, friendly relationship with each of my students. You won’t hear other guitarists noodling through the walls or have to deal with a secretary to take care of scheduling. Likewise, I am a full-time professional teacher so I won’t be missing lessons frequently for performances and you’ll never be passed off to another teacher.

The studio is filled with every book, DVD, audio equipment, effects pedal and learning tool you could ever need to for a great learning experience. Scheduling is simple, flexible and visible online. If you’re feeling interested in learning the guitar, please click on the “Book A Lesson” tab and we can set something up in person. I look forward to working with you!


6000 Laird, Austin, Texas 78757, United States

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Contact Chris Primeau


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Chris Primeau manages this studio and has these badges:

  • Teacher

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