

Piano Lessons for All Ages

Educator, 501 score
  • Teacher

Alto, MI, United States

Banjo, Guitar, Handbells, Mandolin, Piano, Recorder, Voice (or Vocals)

Youth, Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced

Bluegrass, Blues, Classical, Country, Folk, Gospel, Jazz, Musical Theater Or Musicals, New Age, Rock & Roll, Showtunes, Sonata, Theory

In Person, Group Classes


B. S. Music Education, WMU Graduate Courses, Education Through Music Course Work

I am a veteran private piano teacher, school music teacher and choir director of 30 years in school, church, and at home. In January of 2014 I started PIANO PLUS, LLC, to combine my love of singing, music education and private piano lessons. Read below to see what the "plus" is all about!

I am located a short distance SE of Grand Rapids and serve ages Preschool through Adult, Beginner through Advanced. Being close to I-96 and M-6 makes me 10-30 minutes from everywhere in Grand Rapids and outlying areas.

It's Private Piano Lessons...Plus optional Singing, Recorder, and Bells. It's Piano...Plus a Giant Floor Keyboard and Floor Staff with manipulatives.  It's Piano...Plus a Tabletop Grand Staff with manipulatives. It's Piano...Plus great educational software.  It's Piano...Plus rhythm instruments.  It's Piano...Plus Colorful Visuals.  It's Piano...Plus music appreciation.  It's Piano...Plus two yearly recitals & group lessons.  It's Piano...Plus the MTNA's Student Achievement Testing and NFMC's Gold Cup festival.  It's Piano...Plus training to play in church and at school. It's Piano...Plus a whole lot more!

No Piano??? No Problem!!! Classes and Lessons

Preschool Music:  Give your child a neurological advantage with early music education and piano prep. Includes singing, moving, playing instruments, listening, and creating.  Also includes Piano Prep!

General Music:  A school music class for homeschooled students, including singing, recorder, bells, rhythm instruments, piano prep, intro to guitar, music appreciation, and more!

GUITAR PLUS is Private Lessons for Guitar and other Fretted Instruments:  for all ages and experience levels, taught by veteran teacher, Russ Loop. Coming in summer and fall of 2014! 





6043 Morse Lake Ave. SE, Alto, MI 49302, United States

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It's Piano...Plus a whole lot more!



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Robin Moss Paavola manages this studio and has these badges:

  • Teacher

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