
Neil Dusseault

Educator, 501 score
  • Teacher

Boerne, TX, United States

Saxophone, Flute, Clarinet, Trumpet, Trombone, Piano, Drums, Drum Machine, Violin, Fiddle

Youth, Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, Master

Big Band, Celtic, Chamber Music, Classical, Country, Dance, Disco, Electronic, Afro-Cuban Rhythm, Acid Jazz, Beat, Fiddle Music, Folk, Funk, Fusion, Gospel, Hip-Hop, Jazz, Latin, Merengue, Metal, Musical Theater Or Musicals, Native US, New Age, Opera, Polka, R&B, Rap, Reggae, Rock & Roll, Salsa, Samba, Showtunes, Swing, Symphony, Techno, Theory, Sonata, Bebop

In Person, Group Classes

About Neil Dusseault

This is my 14th year of teaching as a fully-certified music educator: I have taught both middle school band & choir to at-risk youth, as well as elementary music at a private Christian academy. My principal instrument is the saxophone (which I have been playing for 28 years now), and I play many other instruments. I hold a Bachelor's degree (Rutgers University, 2005) and a Master's degree of Music (UTSA, 2010); both in Music Education.

In addition, I provide private music instruction each week teaching lessons on a variety of instruments to students of all ages including special needs students and I have even served as a substitute teacher, as well as performing with various bands and ensembles over the years.


Texas Music Educators Association (TMEA) always holds their annual convention in downtown San Antonio around Valentine's Day. For 3 days there are clinics (seminars/workshops) for professional development, various musical performances including All-State band, choir, and orchestra; college fair, job fair, reunions, and of course...the exhibit hall featuring all your favorite music manufacturers.

I have presented 2 clinics on the saxophone myself, and I plan on presenting more. Please feel free to visit my own site on TMEA at



25903 Lost Creek Way, Boerne, TX 78015, United States

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Neil Dusseault
My goal is to create life-long learners, so you may always find time for practice and a place to perform great music.

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  • Teacher

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