
Music Stars Studio

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Educator, 1,501 score
  • Early Adopter
  • Teacher

New Kensington, PA, United States

Clarinet, Piano, Voice (or Vocals), Recorder

Youth, Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced

Chamber Music, Classical, Folk, Opera, Showtunes, Symphony, Theory, Blues

In Person, Remote, Group Classes

About Music Stars Studio

My name is Corinna Neely, and I am a private music instructor in New Kensington and Sarver, PA, specializing in piano, voice, clarinet, recorder, music theory, and diction.  I majored in music with a concentration in voice at Westminster College in New Wilmington, PA.  While at Westminster College, I taught piano and voice lessons through the Music Intern Teaching Program.  In addition to vocal training and piano, I'm also an experienced Catholic church organist and cantor and have my PA clearances through the church.  I am a member of the National Federation of Music Clubs, the Pennsylvania Federation of Music Clubs, and the Pittsburgh Piano Teachers Association.  I am an adjudicator for NFMC Festivals, which my students have the option of participating in.  I enjoy singing and playing a wide variety of genres of music, including jazz, rock, pop, folk, hymns, classical, music theater, opera, and art songs, and exploring those genres with my students. 

I enjoy working with students of all ages and ability levels, including adults.  Piano students must be at least 5 years old.  For reasons of physical vocal maturity, voice students must be at least 13 years old. 

I provide one-on-one instruction at Music Stars Studio, but I am also willing to provide group voice, piano, diction, and music theory lessons upon request.  I am willing to travel to provide private music lessons and classes in home during the day for home schoolers.  Remote lessons are available via Zoom, Skype, FaceTime, Facebook Messenger video, and Kids Messenger are available for students who can't make it to lessons for reasons of illness or if I am ill; other reasons for remote lessons, such as distance, may be discussed with me.

In addition to teaching in my studios in New Kensington and Sarver, PA, I am a piano teacher for Kindermusik with Christa Beck in Tarentum.


In person lessons are available.


1365 Orchard Ave, New Kensington, PA 15068, United States

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Music Stars Studio
"Whatever you can do or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Begin it now." - Goethe, by attribution

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Corinna Neely manages this studio and has these badges:

  • Early Adopter
  • Teacher

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