
Hewatt Violin Studio

Classically Trained, Suzuki Certified Educator, Performer, & Collaborative Musician

Educator, 501 score
  • Teacher

Redding, CA, United States


Youth, Beginner


In Person

About Hewatt Violin Studio

Katheryn Hewatt is a classically trained, Suzuki certified violin teacher and musician. She accepts aspiring students to her studio who are serious about studying the violin. Her award-winning students receive group classes and private lessons focused on technique, style, and musicality. Ms. Hewatt provides a blend of both traditional and Suzuki violin lessons. Scholarships are offered, and an audition is required to secure a spot as a student.


1905 8th St, Ste #1, Redding, CA 96001, United States

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Classically Trained, Suzuki Certified Educator, Performer, & Collaborative Musician

Contact Hewatt Violin Studio

(253) 906-4517

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Katheryn Hewatt manages this studio and has these badges:

  • Teacher

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