
Gregg Mandel Music

Educator, 501 score
  • Teacher

Chicago, IL, United States

Guitar, Bass Guitar, Piano, Ukulele

Youth, Beginner, Intermediate

Rock & Roll, Blues, Folk

In Person, Remote, Group Classes

About Gregg Mandel Music

I've been playing music since I was 8 years old with trumpet being my first instrument. In my teen years I moved to saxophone, guitar and piano, with guitar and piano sticking with me for the next 30 years. In my 20's I added bass and ukelele to my abilities. I spent 25 years in bands playing such notable venues such as Chicago's House of Blues and Cleveland's Rock n Roll Hall of Fame. I graduated from Columbia College with a degree in music and have had music placed in several television shows, such as Vampies Diaries, Lethal Weapon, Entertament Tonight and Lucifer and have given private guitar and piano lessons to adults and adolescents and have taught a classroom of seven year olds the power of music. I also volunteer playing at local hospitals and senior centers.


4138 N Southport Ave., Chicago, IL 60613, United States

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Gregg Mandel Music
"One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain." ― Bob Marley

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