
Piano Lessons with Andy~

Educator, 501 score
  • Teacher

Winter Garden, Florida, United States


Youth, Beginner, Intermediate

Theory, Gospel, Jazz, R&B


About Piano Lessons with Andy~

Hello! My name is Andy Yoon, a Berklee Graduate with years of experience teaching music. During my college attendance, I worked as tutor for music theory and studied with some of the most influentual keyboard players of the contemporary music industry.

To me, as both a teacher and student, the most valuable skill is to enjoy-- to enjoy every moment that comes, even the less pleasurable ones. To most young folks, the less pleasurable moments usually mean the boring ones such as studying or going to class.

Music is something that people enjoy when it comes to listening but is notorious for being just as unpleasant as any other subject, like Math for instance, when it comes to learning.

Learning takes discipline. Whenever I teach, I see myself as a navigator who guides students through their musical journey. As music is a language, my goal is for my students to become fluent and communicative in so -- being to read different forms of music notation, play songs and melodies by ear, and come up with their own compositions as well-- and always while striving for that goal, my hope is for them to embrace both the fun and the less fun aspects of learning.

To anyone who wants to learn about music, whether it be someone already with experience or someone who simply wants to pick up a new hobby, I would be thrilled to be of service!


Winter Garden, Florida 34787, United States

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Piano Lessons with Andy~
Both discipline and enjoyment is essential when reaching a goal. Discipline allows us to stretch our abilities farther and farther while enjoyment gives us purpose during the process for the true treasure lies not in the goal itself but rather in the path.

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