
Denver World Music Studio

Educator, 1,501 score
  • Early Adopter
  • Teacher

Denver, Colorado, United States

Violin, Viola, Fiddle, Piano, Guitar

Youth, Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced

Afro-Cuban Rhythm, Bebop, Bluegrass, Blues, Celtic, Chamber Music, Classical, Country, Folk, Jazz, Opera, Rock & Roll, Salsa, Showtunes, Swing, Symphony, Theory

In Person, Group Classes

About Denver World Music Studio

At the Denver World Music Studio, we believe in a more connected and comprehensive music education. We combine the study of other subjects like culture, geography, history, math, and science with the study of music to students engaged and developing skills (and a community) to last a lifetime. Our teachers are highly qualified and background checked, so you can rest assured you're getting the best education.

Through group music classes, music lessons, and ensembles (you can do all 3 with us!), we help students engage in their world. Individual music lessons help the individual to hone instrumental or musical skills, find the areas/musics that interest them the develop the confidence to play in front of a group. Exploration and Skills classes embrace new cultures and styles. Ensembles grow group communication skills. Our 3 Cs: Community, Culture, and Creativity as you grow more connected to your world in ways that go beyond playing music.


1246 Delaware St., Denver, Colorado 80204, United States

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Denver World Music Studio
At the Denver World Music Studio, we believe in a more connected and comprehensive music education.

Contact Denver World Music Studio

(303) 209-9595

Send An Inquiry

Loribeth Gregory manages this studio and has these badges:

  • Early Adopter
  • Teacher

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