
Build Your Studio Today

Expand Your Teaching Practice!

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Student Testimonials & Kudos for Build Your Studio Today

  • By Jeff E

    • 13,506
    • 10 years ago

    Fantastic teacher!

    I started playing the guitar more than 20 years ago and for a number of years tried to teach myself using countless books and DVDs with little success. None of these materials were able to grab me in a way that made me want to really practice, and I felt as though I was stuck on a plateau. All that began to change the first time my teacher and I had an online video conferencing lesson where I described my goals, and he laid out a step-by-step plan to achieve those goals. It was clear that he more

  • By JP

    • 13,143
    • 10 years ago

    Excellent instruction, passionate!

    I took lessons here once a week for 3 years and learned a lot. Not only was my teacher very knowledgeable and professional, but he was also incredibly passionate. It was this passion that inspired me to take music to new levels. I was psyched after every lesson, and in 3 years, I learned more than I ever expected!

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