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Introduction to Publishing on

Taught by: Team

Advanced, Master

Learn about the Self-Publishing Service, what you can do with it, how much it costs, and how it can augment your teaching practice.


In this lesson, we'll discuss what the Self-Publishing Service is, how you can use it, how much it costs, and the requirements to get started.

  • Why Self-Publish on

    Have you been teaching the same thing over and over for years? Now you can publish your own curriculum in the form of Lessons and Courses that your students can use for self-paced instruction. Then, you can work with them remotely or in-person to take things to the next level.

    Self-Publishing Help Pages:

    Self-Publishing Terms of Service:

    Work in Progress: Add this Lesson or Course to your Library to be notified when edits are made.

    On November 4, 2019, we began rolling out our teaching services to the general public as a "soft launch." For the remainder of 2019, we will be constantly improving our documentation and tutorials. This lesson will be updated very soon.

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