David Bundy Music Lessons
Bass Guitar and Drums
Major Scales using numbers. Triads for chords.
Taught by: David Bundy
Beginner, Intermediate
Major Scales using numbers and Triads for chords. Using the Major Scales Intervals PDF and Triads PDF and 2 videos.
How to use the numbers of the scales and using them to build our Triads for each chord.
Triads for Bass Guitar
Triads example in the key of G.
Major Scale Intervals
The Major Scale Whole and Half Step intervals.
Major Scales Video 2 /Numbers
Showing the numbers of the scale degrees and how to use them.
Major Scales Intervals PDF
Video 2 Part A. Triads
Add on video to Video 2. Explaining the notes we'll be using with the Play Along tracks.
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