Corey Christiansen
CC Modern Guitar
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Scales and Arpeggios for Jazz Guitar
The Basic Building Blocks of All Melodic Content in Music.
Major Arpeggios: Pattern One
Taught by: Corey Christiansen
Intermediate, Advanced
This lesson presents a logical approach to learning arpeggios. Learn one arpeggio shape that you can use to on all string groups and in all keys over the entire fretboard.
Never get lost on a song again! Arpeggios give you the control you need to improvise over even the most challenging chord progressions. Here arpeggios patterns are presented in a manner similar to the scale patterns that were demonstrated in the previous lessons. This lesson covers the first pattern of the major arpeggio.
Video - This video is a preview - the full length video is 04:31 minutes long
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Chart: Major Arpeggios - Pattern One
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