
Corey Christiansen

CC Modern Guitar

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Comping Strategies for the Jazz Guitarist

Fundamentals of Musical Voice leading

Latin Jazz: Samba And Bossa Nova Survival Guide

Taught by: Corey Christiansen

Intermediate, Advanced

For decades, Brazilian music has been an integral part of jazz. This set of lessons will help you understand the basics of Bossa Nova and Samba.


Samba and Bossa Nova rhythms from Brazil are an important part of modern jazz music. The subject of Brazillian music can and does fill volumes, and the study of it's performance can take a lifetime. This lesson provides the fundamental patterns and survival skills so that you can play some of these rhythms correctly and get your feet wet with this style.

  • Video - This video is a preview - the full length video is 06:01 minutes long

    In video 1, Corey discusses some basic Brazillian rhtyhms.

    The above video is a preview of the full-length version, which can be accessed by purchasing this lesson.

  • Video - This video is a preview - the full length video is 04:43 minutes long

    In video 2, the basic patter is embellished and exanded.

    The above video is a preview of the full-length version, which can be accessed by purchasing this lesson.

  • Video - This video is a preview - the full length video is 04:13 minutes long

    In video 3, a variation pattern is incorporated by beginning the idea on different beats within the pattern. Variations by permutation are discussed. 

    The above video is a preview of the full-length version, which can be accessed by purchasing this lesson.

  • PDF file - purchase to access this pdf file

    Samba And Bossa Nova Patterns

    This PDF File is not included in the preview of this lesson

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