
Kim Sandusky

Educator, 501 score
  • Teacher

Nashville, TN, United States

Voice (or Vocals)

Youth, Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, Master

jazz , Acid Jazz, Afro-Cuban Rhythm, Beat, Bebop, Azerbaijan Saz, Big Band, Opera, Folk, Funk, Gospel, Jazz Music, Showtunes

In Person, Remote, Online Content, Group Classes, Accredited School

About Kim Sandusky

Based in Nashville TN, Kim offers vocal coaching, artist development services, vocal production, and performance coaching to aid the singer in achieving the full vocal potential and vocal health needed for success.

Industry giants Sony, Columbia, Warner Brothers, Hollywood Records, Disney, EMI, MCA, RCA, Motown, and Capitol (just to name a few) have placed their trust in Kim Wood Sandusky to push an Artist’s vocal performance capabilities to their ultimate potential. Whether a singer needs to increase his or her range, build breathing stamina, develop a particular style, richness in tone, middle, and head voice, or is experiencing vocal medical problems, hoarseness or vocal fatigue—Kim has the answer to take care of the Artist with her program “Kim Wood Sandusky Vocal Builder Technique.” Her experience will prove invaluable to the career of the singer. Kim’s method is a component of natural talent enhancement, not an attempt to change or cover up the Artist’s ability.


900 19th Ave S, Nashville, TN 37212, United States

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Kim Sandusky
Vocal Coach, Artist Development Services, Music Production, Voice Singing Lessons in Nashville, TN

Contact Kim Sandusky

(615) 327-2523

Send An Inquiry

Kim Sandusky manages this studio and has these badges:

  • Teacher

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