
April Love

Chill Out with a Daily Vocal Routine

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Chill Out and Sing in 2017


Learning to chill with even more joy in 2017 can be yours by learning to cultivate vocal and breathe routines into your mornings can bring better ways to deal with stress and bringing more joy for the rest of your day.

In the morning, while working out all your other routines, such as brushing your teeth, putting on make up, drinking water or stepping out for a jog, there are also vocal and breathe exercises that can be part of your daily habit. After a while, doing them daily, you'll find not only will your voice be ready to go, you'll also experience less strain in facial muscles and your overall vibe. 

I'd like to offer those that are interested, private consultations for people who want to work on customizing their very own vocal routine and life style for relaxation, stress relief and to cultivate a better voice when singing.  

The lessons will be offered either via Skype or if you live in Los Angeles and five me enough time to book the room, at the Bedrock Studios in Room J or H.

Contact me at to book a session.


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