
Reinis Babāns

Educator, 501 score
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Youth, Beginner, Intermediate


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About Reinis Babāns

If you wish to discuss more about me and the lessons I offer, you can contact me through discord - Reinis#2385. Here is my discord server dedicated to classical music, mainly of J. S. Bach, thank you.


I'm an advanced piano student at my high school (Rīgas 45. vidusskola). I wasn't that interested in piano when I started 10 years ago, but since around 5 years ago I discovered my passion for classical music (especially of J. S. Bach) and started sight-reading notes. I learned the bass clef, and the music signs this way. Of course learning and training takes a lot of self-commitment, that's how you can get stronger.

I've studied both WTC books, English, French suites and partitas, the Goldberg variations and more. Currently I'm learning Chopin's Revolutionary etude. I guess I should also mention that my hand size are pretty big, if that helps haha.

I'm also a bit shy, but perhaps I can work on that over time.


Esmu Rīgas 45. vidusskolas klavieru klases students. Pirms 10 gadiem, kad sāku mācīties klavierspēli, mani neinteresēja klavieres, bet apmēram pirms 5 gadiem atklāju savu aizraušanos ar klasisko mūziku (īpaši J. S. Baha mūziku) un sāku lasīt notis. Es iemācījos bassa atslēgu, un nošu zīmes šādā veidā. Protams, mācīšanās un trenniņi prasa lielu pašapņemšanos, tā jūs varat kļūt spēcīgāks.

Esmu mācījies abas WTC grāmatas, angļu, franču svītas un partitas, Goldberga variācijas un daudz ko citu. Pašlaik mācos Šopēna Revolūcijas etīdi. Laikam man vajadzētu arī pieminēt, ka manas plaukstas ir diezgan lielas, ja tas palīdz haha.

Esmu arī mazliet kautrīgs, bet, iespējams, laika gaitā pie tā varēšu piestrādāt.



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Reinis Babāns
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