
Raul Ontiveros

Educator, 501 score
  • Teacher

ceres, California, United States

Trombone, Guitar, Bass Guitar, Piano

Youth, Beginner, Intermediate

Classical, Jazz, Blues, Rock & Roll

In Person

About Raul Ontiveros

Hello! I am Raul Ontiveros. I have been a music student for 7 years. I am currently attending Modesto Jr. College. I am well skilled in Trombone , Guitar and Bass. While a beginner at piano myself. I am able to teach the basic fundamentals of any of these instruments. I am also able to teach beginning, to intermediate music theory. I am very close to receiving my associates degree in music. My goal here is to share the experience and love for music. I want to teach younger people to love, and cherish it as much as i do. 


2717 roeding road, ceres, California 95307, United States

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Raul Ontiveros
Music isn't a hobby, It's a life style

Contact Raul Ontiveros


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  • Teacher

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