
Purewind Studio - Danika Gooch

Educator, 501 score
  • Teacher

Loomis, CA, United States

Cello, Fiddle, Flute, Irish Flute, Oboe, Piano, Viola, Violin, Voice (or Vocals)

Youth, Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced

Big Band, Bluegrass, Blues, Celtic, Chamber Music, Fiddle Music, Folk, Gospel, Jazz, New Age, Sonata, Symphony, Theory

In Person, Group Classes

About Purewind Studio - Danika Gooch

Purewind Studio provides experienced instruction in band and orchestra instruments through private lessons, camps, ensembles, and workshops. Friendly and fun, all lessons follow a personalized format based on the needs and goals of individuals of all ages. Students learn proven technique and the knowledge required to be in excellence. Applicable theory, ear training, sight reading, and artistic interpretation are emphasized for a complete approach on any instrument.

I've been teaching since 2004 in class and private settings.  Teaching is currently my fulltime focus, but I'm also a recording artist and compose for local orchestral groups.


Loomis, CA 95650, United States

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Purewind Studio - Danika Gooch

Contact Purewind Studio - Danika Gooch

(916) 768-234two

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Danika Gooch manages this studio and has these badges:

  • Teacher

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