
Joyful Music - Flute and Piano studio

Play, Create, Enjoy music.

Educator, 501 score
  • Teacher

Oregon City, OR, United States

Piano, Flute, Recorder

Youth, Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced

Classical, Theory

In Person

About Joyful Music - Flute and Piano studio

Valerie Johnson has been playing flute and piano for over 35 years.  She has a degree in education with a minor in music and taught High School for a number of years.  For the past 8 years she has been teaching private & group music lessons and is currently offering private lessons from her home in Oregon City.

Joyful Music is the goal -- we're learning and having a lot of fun in the process!  With regular practice, some fun "off the bench" activities, and rewards for success; learning an instrument is never a chore.

At Joyful Music, students not only learn the technical aspects of playing an instrument, but they build an appreciation of music.  Practice techniques teach discipline and commitment.  Through theory and composition we learn to create our own melodies and express ourselves through music.  Performance opportunities build confidence and purpose.  And most important of all, we enjoy the feel of our fingers on the keys and the sound of tones in the air!

Piano lessons ages 5 to adult.  Flute lessons age 10 through adult. $20 each.

Group recorder lessons when there is interest.  Scheduled by request.

Go to my website for more lesson details, studio policies, and available schedule.


Oregon City, OR 97045, United States

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Joyful Music - Flute and Piano studio
Shakespeare wrote, "If music be the food of love, play on!"

Contact Joyful Music - Flute and Piano studio


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Valerie Johnson manages this studio and has these badges:

  • Teacher

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