“Cincinnati has lost its British rock star. Peter Frampton has moved back to Nashville…”
On Jan. 23, he wrote on his Facebook page that furniture was starting to arrive in his new digs.
He tweeted:
“Sunny Cinci in my studio again. Have to move all this to Nashville. Console orig came in the window. Will have to go out same way. Oiy!”
From the Cincinnati Arts Blog: http://cincinnati.com/blogs/arts/2013/02/05/peter-frampton-has-moved-to-nashville/
Of course, everyone in my old neighborhood knew that Mr. Frampton lived close by, but exactly where was a closely guarded secret. And even if you knew the address, good luck finding it. GPS’s misplace it. Even the Fed Ex people have a hard time with it.
He listed the home for sale in June of 2012, and it sat there on the market for an entire year! Turns out no one really knew what to make of the fact that it has a HUGE recording studio in the basement.
What does all this have to do with me?
Turns out my wife and daughters enjoyed Cincinnati, and our visit with our family. So much so, that they really wanted to move.
In June.
And school starts in August...
So we looked at a bunch of houses and I immediately knew which one was Frampton’s. (The guitar amp collection was the giveaway.) But it didn’t have a pool, or much of a yard, so we kept looking. But compared to all the other houses we saw, it really stood out; it has a great vibe to it. Nice big decks that face the woods, and a fantastic kitchen and family room. Add to that the world-class recording studio, and it was hard to deny that this was the one for us.
My brother remarked that there is only ONE person that would appreciate this house, and possibly want to live in Cincinnati, and that was ME. He was right. What would Joe Blow do with the studio, set up foosball and ping-pong?! That would be a crime.
I have always had a studio of some sort wherever I lived, since I got my first multi-track recorder in 1984. I have made do in boxy rooms, put amps under the stairs and in closets, and even recorded drums in a tiny hallway. Never did I imagine that I would have a studio in my house that was every bit as good as Seattle’s Studio X or London Bridge where I have recorded most of my albums.
You think to yourself, “one day I'll…” and then you wake up and that day is today.
As an artist, the coolest thing about this whole deal is that what Mr. Frampton started will continue, full speed ahead!

~next week: moving into the studio~