
Dudley Taft

Delta Riffs, Texas Sagebrush, American Blues

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Dudley's Studio Pt 1


Dudley's Studio Pt 1 ~Transition~


“I want you, (to) show me the way,” (this thing works),is a phrase that kept running through my head as I tried to figure out the complicated connections of the SSL! Progress has been slow. Reading the manual on-line. So:


The next step was to unpack all of my studio gear. After 30 years of recording at home, I have amassed a HUGE amount of cables, connectors, power adaptors and miscellaneous gadgets. Question: Do I really need 135 RCA cables…?


I have a large pile of midi cables for someone that doesn’t play keyboards. It took me a few hours to sort through all of the old stuff. Some I trashed; but I kep most of it. If some obscure cable or connector is needed, chances are I have one, or maybe even two or three.

It is nice that I can set up all my amps at once! Lots of room for that. The studio is wired so that I can be in the control room, and plug either my instrument or speaker cable into the wall and patch it to any amp or speaker cabinet in the tracking room, and a few other rooms in the house.

As I said in the last blog, I needed help getting any sound through the speakers- the mound of cables under the console looks like a barber shop floor on the Predator’s home planet…

When I was able to set up my computer, I decided to get a jam playlist going on iTunes and see if I could mic an amp up. Amp> microphone > mic input #1 on the panel > input of channel #1 on the SSL… and… BOOM, there it was. Sounded great, too. Nice pre-amp and EQ on each channel in the board. It may sound ridiculous, but I was very proud of this minor accomplishment.

I was a bit surprised that Mr. Frampton left behind almost all of the studio furniture, which includes a beautiful leather couch, tables, lamps and a couple of Tibetan rugs. Apparently his new studio is furnished. BONUS. Lots of bonuses with this studio (you'll see). The Control room has a great vibe- lots of warm colors, dimmers on all of the lights, and a big window that overlooks the back yard. The house faces west by southwest, and there is great light late in the day.

I can't wait to get this thing dialed and get to work!

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