Local sound engineer Ashley Shepherd (who has worked with Peter Frampton) made a trip down to Nashville and returned with a bunch of “extra” gear that Sir Frampton did not want. Part of that was a killer 5.1 speaker system for the projection screen in the control room.

Also, I received a bunch of old-school effects devices like delays and reverbs. Yeah….yeah….yeah…yeah….

And a few microphones… Those will take a while to sort through, but there is one that looks really cool, and was used in the Hunbger Games:

Mixing has begun for album #3, Screaming In The Wind. The first track I mixed may just be the album closer, “Say You Will”- it has a long spacey solo section at the end (I call it an Epilogue), and may be a good way to end things.
Once I get the levels set for the drums, acoustics, clean guitars, ect… these nifty faders in the center of the console can control those groups and make final level setting easy.

Meanwhile, with a bit of spiritual guidance from Jimi Hendrix, the studio kitchenette has turned purple and the bathroom bright red! The big purple wall will soon be populated with photos and memorabilia from previous bands.

Apparently I have been “volunteered” to host the family Christmas party this year, and my dad is insisting on a big jam session in the studio, so I’ll have to find a drum set!
It is nice to be able to get back to work after two months of unpacking, painting and fixing things. What’s the code that gets you in the studio? I’m NOT TELLING YOU!! Hahahahaha…. Back to work!