Take the Mystery Out of Becoming an Amazing Drummer
LosAngeles, CA, United States
Youth, Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, Master
Funk, Electronic, Dance, Fiddle Music, Gospel, Folk, Grunge, New Age, Merengue, Cajun, Jazz, Latin, Rap, R&B, Punk, Hip Hop, Fusion, Rock & Roll, Theory, Salsa, Showtunes, Musical Theater, Afro-Cuban Rhythm, Blues, Celtic, Swing
In Person, Remote, Online Content, Group Classes
About DrumLessonsInLA
Are you frustrated with your drumming or don't even know where to begin? Visit http://DrumLessonsInLA.com to pinpoint exactly what you need to play the drums the way you've always wanted.
LosAngeles, CA 91502, United States
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1 Location
LosAngeles, CA 91502, United States
Phone: 323-254-9008
Website: DrumLessonsInLA.com

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Stefano Ashbridge manages this studio and has these badges: