Dr. G.’s Flute Studio
Rachel Taylor Geier, DMA
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Dr. G.’s Flute Studio - Monthly Lessons (30 minutes/week)
One-on-One Flute Lessons with Dr. G.!
Four, 30-minute lessons per month!
Ready! Set! Flute! Are you ready to start your flute journey or take your flute playing in crazy awesome new directions? Let Dr. G. help guide the way with weekly private flute lessons! We will talk all things flute in these ongoing, one-on-one private lessons for flutists of all levels.
Are you ready to learn the ins and outs of playing super cool flute music, master tricky fingerings, and dazzle your audiences with your magical flute tone? Look no further!
We will tackle everything in these lessons, including:
The Basics - For beginners: Holding the flute, perfecting your posture, enhancing your embouchure (and what the heck even is an “embouchure”), and breathing tips, tricks, and best practices. For Intermediate and advanced students: Reframing and strengthening all of the above! Thinking outside the box by trying all of the super cool, but sometimes weird and wacky, ways to change things for the better!
Tone (aka your flute sound - how to make your flute sing) - For beginners: Finding that magical sweet spot on the headjoint where the sound resonates easily is just the beginning! For all levels: We will explore ways to color and enhance your tone so that it is clear, flexible, and sparkling brighter than the summer sun on a crystal blue lake.
Technique - Working on technique is like a weight-lifter pumping iron in the gym every day to get to that next level! In our case, our musical “weights” include scales, intervals, arpeggios, and so much more.
Etudes and Studies - These are shorter musical examples meant to tackle some of the tough stuff. If we face it and transform it, it no longer has power over us when we encounter it again in other pieces.
Duets - We learn so much by playing together! In Dr. G.’s Flute Studio, we play duets to practice how to listen to each other, interpret musical cues, tune, and discover how, why, and when our musical roles change and how to change our flute playing to go with the flow.
Solos and Excerpts - Solos are longer works written for the flute. These may be your Bach, Mozart, and Beethoven-style pieces but they may also include familiar favorites and popular tunes that just make you want to dance along. Excerpts are snippets from band or orchestral pieces that impress and astound audiences (“Did you hear that? That’s a darn tootin’ good flute player!”).
Sight Reading - It’s not as scary as you may think! We will work on practical sight reading strategies that take the stigma out of playing music off-the-cuff.
Bringing it all to Life - Playing the flute isn’t just about playing the right notes with a reasonably good sound. There is so much more that I can show you! We will talk about interpreting a piece, coloring your music to fit the changing vibe of a melody, phrasing and how to find where the most important parts of a line are buried, vibrato (how to do it and how to make it sound effortless), rhythm and finding that consistent internal tempo, and reliable tuning techniques that truly stand the test of time.
From the very first lesson, we will outline your flute playing goals. We will discuss where you’ve come from, where you are going, and where you would like to eventually take your flute playing. Dr. G. is a steadfast cheerleader for all of her students! This is how I create an army of confident, independent flutists who genuinely love playing the flute. That is the ultimate goal! To love playing the flute by exploring the potential of the instrument through the passion of the player.