
Carmen Schmidt

Educator, 1,501 score
  • Early Adopter
  • Teacher

Gibson Island, Maryland, United States

Piano, Voice (or Vocals)

Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, Master

Cabaret, Classical, Folk, Opera, Rock & Roll, Showtunes

In Person

About Carmen Schmidt

My experiences teaching beginning piano and beginning-advanced singing span 19 years. I have taught privately, in community centers, music stores, conservatories and art centers. I find the best way to help students is to help them learn their own voices capabilities and expand upon those. As the student progresses a wider variety of genres will be available to them and we work together to find a suitable style for their voice and lifestyle. I recently went back to school to obtain my Master's degree in Vocal pedagogy from Peabody Conservatory. The creditials I earned were less about learning new teaching techniques than I expected. I learned much more about the current educational environment available to young people, through this experience  I became an even more flexible, conscientious and caring teacher.


Gibson Island, Maryland 21056, United States

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Carmen Schmidt

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Carmen Schmidt manages this studio and has these badges:

  • Early Adopter
  • Teacher

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