
Bob Ross

Educator, 41 followers, 2,930 score
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Pre-recorded Lessons & Courses

Full Courses

5 courses listed on 1 page.

Individual Lessons

45 lessons listed on 9 pages:

Lesson Course

Mini Lesson - Playing Outside (Side Stepping)

In this lesson we explore the concept of "playing outside" with minor pentatonics. Here I demonstrate using set patterns before moving on to thinking about other approaches.

FREE for Subscribers!


Mini Lesson - Second Inversion Triads

In this lesson we explore second inversion triads (major, minor, diminished, and augmented) across multiple string groups. I demonstrate an exercise that can be used to learn each and give an appli...

FREE for Subscribers!


Mini Lesson - Root Position Triads

In this lesson we explore root position triads (major, minor, diminished, and augmented) across multiple string groups. I demonstrate an exercise that can be used to learn each and give an applicat...

FREE for Subscribers!


Etude #1

This is the first "mini-lesson" to be used as an etude for reading and technique.

$2.00 USD Buy Lesson


Inside The Composition: Chick Corea's Windows

In this video I walk you through my approach to Chick Corea's Windows

$8.99 USD Buy Lesson


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