
Bob Ross

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Why Argue?


I truly believe that music has a great power over our lives. Any number of sights, sounds, and smells can trigger a melody or chord progression and the same is true when listening to music. A lyric or note can give way to a sudden nostalgic thought or a familiar smell without warning. Even though I can attest to these experiences, I still find it troubling that some elevate certain musical topics to the point of argument.
Knowing music theory and having a solid grasp of essential concepts on your instrument is important so as not to have limitation when trying to "speak". However, arguing these point with those more emotionally invested than technically is useless. Consider the main events in our daily lives, our relationships, and the influence we possess. For some such as myself, music is an essential part of our lives. Stated more clearly, music is not my life but rather an important facet of my life. For many, just the emotional and nostalgic grasp is enough. Lets respect that choice.

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