Wellard School of Music
Kwinana, WA, Australia
Piano, Guitar, Bass Guitar, Voice (or Vocals), Singing Bowl, Violin, Cello, Drums, Ukulele, Recorder
Youth, Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, Master
In Person, Group Classes
About Wellard School of Music
The Wellard School Of Music’s road to success has been one derived from many years of experience and research provided by our teachers who themselves are also professional performers, including Graduates of the Berklee College of Music Boston MA USA and hold a “Working With Children’s Card” they are highly motivated, passionate, excited and always ready to share their great love of music without compromising the fun and enthusiasm music can provide.
Did you know: The Wellard School Of Music are proud to be exclusive music arrangers for Music Sales Australia, England and New Zealand, we create written music for Piano, Vocal, and Guitar books (PVG), for artists including: The Wiggles, ABC kids Australia, The Essential Aussie kids Song Books, Delta Goodrem, Australian Idol, Eskimo Joe, Powder Finger, Bernard Fanning, Pete Murray, Jet, John Farnham, Sarah Storer, Living End, Guy Sebastian, and many many, many more!!!
Contact The Wellard School Of Music now, offer your child the opportunity to embark on a journey filled with imagination, creativity and one of confidence and joy, a gift every child so rightly deserves because after all!
“Nothing activates as many areas of the brain as music; this helps in laying a foundation for all later learning And determines whether or not children succeed in school and later in adulthood.” Says researcher Donald Hodges, Covington Distinguished Professor of Music Education and director of the Music Research Institute at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro.
The EARLY BEGINNER program is designed for 2.5 - 5yrs.:
The Early Beginner programme focuses on the foundations of sound, rhythm, expression, vocal expression and movement, these are the fundamental building blocks essential for your child’s development.
Children are exposed to a variety of instruments including the introduction to the keyboard, Drums, Percussion, and musical activities/games, which assist in the development of the brain, vocalization, gross and fine motor skills, self-expression, imagination, self-esteem, confidence, bonding between parent and child, and much more…
Children learn to respond to sounds and rhythms, by listening and moving to music, steady beat, and by engaging in instrument play, learning songs and exploring their feelings through music.
Exposing your child to these activities helps them learn musically, developmentally and cognitively, as they associate learning with FUN!!
Music is proven to be one of the most effective vehicles used for Early Childhood learning and development. Neuroscientists, psychologists and childhood development researchers and experts have concluded that music offers children much! Much! More than just joy, it encourages and helps connections in brain cells which of course is absolutely vital for every aspect of intelligence including:
Language, Speaking, comprehension, reasoning skills, social skills – helping them to relate to others, AND THIS... IS JUST THE TIP OF THE ICEBERG…
Offering your child the GIFT! Of music will help to create memories that will last a lifetime.
You can also watch your child grow musically through our performance recital/concerts which are held at the end of each semester (mid-year and end of year), we have traditionally, and will continue to ensure that our recitals are friendly, encouraging, inspiring and FUN!!!! Including the presentation of certificates, whilst creating wonderful memories that last a lifetime, and the children are always asking “when is our next concert?”
They really enjoy this event, and most importantly it builds SELF-ESTEEM! And “A HUGE! CONFIDENCE BOOSTER!”
Music 4 kids is designed for the ages of 5 -7yrs, and is a continuation and development experienced through the “Early Beginner” programme, whilst providing exposure to many different aspects of music essential for further musical growth…
Children will continue to develop the necessary skills for playing the keyboard, and will also be introduced to ukulele (like a small guitar), recorder (blowing instrument), and drums to reinforce rhythm, singing, and a variety of musical activities/games to reinforce the fundamentals, understanding, and reading of music…
Activities include a GIANT musical stave – This is lots of FUN!! Children jump on the lines and in spaces all in the aid of learning to read music, a GIANT floor keyboard to jump/step on!... this teaches them the letter names to the keys and the layout of the keyboard. BIG BASS DRUMS! To help in the understanding of rhythm, these activities are designed to be FUN!!! – This is how they learn best…
“So much fun your child will not even suspect they are learning to read and play music.”
Each student has his/her own personal keyboard station, and IS ASSESSED AS AN INDIVIDUAL, allowing them to develop at their own pace, and not be held back by others, this also allows new students to enter the programme at any stage throughout the term…
We work closely with our surrounding councils and various institutions, providing us opportunities for our students to help build confidence and skill through performance, including various community events.
You can also watch your child grow musically through our performance recital/concerts which are held at the end of each semester (mid-year and end of year), we have traditionally, and will continue to ensure that our recitals are friendly, encouraging, inspiring and FUN!!!! Including the presentation of certificates, whilst creating wonderful memories that last a lifetime, and the children are always asking “when is our next concert?”
They really enjoy this event, and most importantly it builds SELF-ESTEEM and a “HUGE! CONFIDENCE BOOSTER!”
You can read much more on the effects and benefits music has on your child’s development, on our website: www.wsom.com.au
Including other programs we offer, you can also view class photos/videos… The site is still young and is building all the time, we appreciate your patience.
Voices 4 Kids! is designed for the ages of 5 – 7 yrs and is an exciting, fun filled, versatile and a specifically designed music programme delivered within a group environment,
Students are initially taught the fundamentals of breathing, projection, pronunciation, pitch control and chest/head voice, scales and arpeggios, which can be practiced at home using their “Vocal Trainer CD/Booklet Pack.”
These uniquely designed classes offer students the opportunity to develop their skills for singing in unison, harmony, dynamically, and expressively together, with the correct approach for many diverse situations covering a variety of song styles and genres, whilst developing their musical ear, sense of pitch and tone.
Students are shown how to incorporate movement (Choreography) whilst singing, this activity is “SO MUCH FUN!” And allows them to relax, enjoy the experience and perform better, “and is always quite noticeable.”
Group learning is very important, whilst being fun! And presents an opportunity for students to attain important values and skills that may not be evident in other music learning environments.
Students are more motivated to learn in a social environment, and will tend to stretch further and practice more to ensure they are able to keep up with their peers.
This group environment breeds confidence, self-esteem, and develops their social skills, our teachers/mentors each carry a “working with children card” and have many years of performance experience.
“The secret is to have fun while singing and everyone knows how to do that! “
We work closely with our surrounding councils and various institutions, providing us opportunities for our students to help build confidence and skill through performance, including various community events.
You can also watch your child grow musically through our performance recital/concerts which are held at the end of each semester (mid-year and end of year), we have traditionally, and will continue to ensure that our recitals are friendly, encouraging, inspiring and FUN!!!! Including the presentation of certificates, whilst creating wonderful memories that last a lifetime, and the children are always asking “when is our next concert?”
They really enjoy this event, and most importantly it builds SELF-ESTEEM and a “HUGE! CONFIDENCE BOOSTER!”
You can read much more on the effects and benefits music has on your child’s development, on our website: www.wsom.com.au
Including other programs we offer, you can also view class photos/videos… The site is still young and is building all the time, we appreciate your patience.
VOCAL STARS is designed for the ages of 8 yrs to Adult classes in their respective age groups
Students are initially taught the fundamentals of breathing, projection, pronunciation, pitch control and chest/head voice, scales and arpeggios, which can be practiced at home using their “Vocal Trainer CD/Booklet Pack.”
These uniquely designed classes offer students the opportunity to develop their skills for singing in unison, harmony, dynamically, and expressively together, with the correct approach for many diverse situations covering a variety of song styles and genres, whilst developing their musical ear, sense of pitch and tone.
Students are shown how to incorporate movement (Choreography) whilst singing, this activity is “SO MUCH FUN!” And allows them to relax, enjoy the experience and perform better, “and is always quite noticeable.”
Group learning is very important, whilst being fun! And presents an opportunity for students to attain important values and skills that may not be evident in other music learning environments.
Students are more motivated to learn in a social environment, and will tend to stretch further and practice more to ensure they are able to keep up with their peers.
This group environment breeds confidence, self-esteem, and develops their social skills, our teachers/mentors each carry a “working with children card”, and are very experienced, and have performed throughout the world,
“The secret is to have fun while singing and everyone knows how to do that! “
We work closely with our surrounding councils and various institutions, providing us opportunities for our students to help build confidence and skill through performance, including various community events.
You can also watch your child grow musically through our performance recital/concerts which are held at the end of each semester (mid-year and end of year), we have traditionally, and will continue to ensure that our recitals are friendly, encouraging, inspiring and FUN!!!! Including the presentation of certificates, whilst creating wonderful memories that last a lifetime, and the children are always asking “when is our next concert?”
They really enjoy this event, and most importantly it builds SELF-ESTEEM and a “HUGE! CONFIDENCE BOOSTER!”
You can read much more on the effects and benefits music has on your child’s development, on our website: www.wsom.com.au
Including other programs we offer, you can also view class photos/videos… The site is still young and is building all the time, we appreciate your patience.
KEYBOARD CLASSICS / TOP 40 7 yrs to Adult classes in their respective age groups
Keyboard Classics / Top 40 Is hosted by Tony Celiberti – Graduate of the renowned “Berklee College Of Music” Boston MA 02215 USA, also an exclusive music arranger for “Music Sales Australia, New Zealand and England”
Students learn to master popular classics, soundtracks and movie themes including top 40, exposing them to a variety of music styles and genres. Students acquire the necessary skills required to read music notation and gain a greater understanding of music theory including sound – pitch, rhythms, music symbols, legato, staccato and dynamics during one on one and fun filled class activities, including ear training (aural) - the development of the musical ear.
Students are guided to ensure they develpe the correct piano posture, including sitting, arms, wrists, fingers and piano touch! on both the acoustic piano and keyboard…
This program is hosted by Tony Celiberti - Graduate of the “BERKLEE COLLEGE OF MUSIC” Boston Ma 02215 USA, also an exclusive music arranger for “Music Sales Australia, England and New Zealand”
Students develop the necessary skills required to read/write music notation, and gain a greater understanding of music theory during fun filled class activities, including ear training (aural) - the development of the musical ear.
Students will begin to master and develop their repertoire, including popular classics, soundtracks, movie themes and top 40, this variety of music styles and genres is IMPORTANT for musical growth.
“And yes! Of course, the whole point of this is to enjoy music and have FUN! – “This is how we learn best!”
Each student has his/her own personal keyboard station, and IS ASSESSED AS AN INDIVIDUAL, allowing them to develop at their own pace, and not be held back by others, this also allows new students to enter the programme at any stage throughout the term…
Students are more motivated to learn in a social environment, and will tend to stretch further and practice more to ensure they are able to keep up with their peers. This also allows them the opportunity to develop and strive for their maximum
The group environment breeds confidence, self-esteem, and develops their social skills.
“Making music together builds bonds of trust and communication, all are vital for emotional well-being and academic success”.
We work closely with our surrounding councils and various institutions, providing us opportunities for our students to help build confidence and skill through performance, including various community events.
You can also watch your child grow musically through our performance recital/concerts which are held at the end of each semester (mid-year and end of year), we have traditionally, and will continue to ensure that our recitals are friendly, encouraging, inspiring and FUN!!!! Including the presentation of certificates, whilst creating wonderful memories that last a lifetime, and the children are always asking “when is our next concert?”
They really enjoy this event, and most importantly it builds SELF-ESTEEM and a “HUGE! CONFIDENCE BOOSTER!”
You can read much more on the effects and benefits music has on your child’s development, on our website: www.wsom.com.au
Including other programs we offer, you can also view class photos/videos… The site is still young and is building all the time, we appreciate your patience.
GUITAR LEGENDS 7 yrs to Adult classes in their respective age groups.
Guitar Legends focuses on the essential techniques used for playing the guitar: Strumming, picking, understanding chord structures, and various approaches used in today’s styles of music and repertoire including many of the now famous legendary riffs, chord progressions, classics, Top 40, including rock, blues, metal, reggae, whilst learning to perform solos using various techniques and variations.
Our classes have been uniquely designed in such a way that STUDENTS ARE ASSESSED AS AN INDIVIDUAL, allowing them to develop at their own pace, and not be held back by others, this also allows new students to enter the programme at any stage
Students learn to read music, and gain a greater understanding of music theory during fun filled class activities.
“So much fun your child will not even suspect they are learning to read and play music.”
Guitar Legends is hosted by Simon Halling - guitarist extraordinaire, bringing a world of experience to this programme covering the many various style associated with playing guitar… the group environment allows musical benchmarks to be set and met by students and their peers, whilst developing their musical ear, sense of pitch, and hand-eye coordination, group environment breeds confidence, self-esteem, and develops their social skills.
“Making music together builds bonds of trust and communication, all are vital for emotional well-being and academic success”.
We work closely with our surrounding councils and various institutions, providing us opportunities for our students to help build confidence and skill through performance, including various community events.
You can also watch your child grow musically through our performance recital/concerts which are held at the end of each semester (mid-year and end of year), we have traditionally, and will continue to ensure that our recitals are friendly, encouraging, inspiring and FUN!!!! Including the presentation of certificates, whilst creating wonderful memories that last a lifetime, and the children are always asking “when is our next concert?”
They really enjoy this event, and most importantly it builds SELF-ESTEEM and a “HUGE! CONFIDENCE BOOSTER!”
You can read much more on the effects and benefits music has on your child’s development, on our website: www.wsom.com.au
Including other programs we offer, you can also view class photos/videos… The site is still young and is building all the time, we appreciate your patience.
SYMPHONIC STRINGS is designed for the ages of 5yrs – Adult classes in their respective age groups… and is delivered by violinist Extraordinaire / Specialist… Richard Price!…. who has had an extensive teaching career which began in 1972
* Co Concert master of the Queensland theatre orchestra * A member of the Tasmanian symphony orchestra * A member of the Zurich chamber orchestra (Switzerland) * A member of the Allgemeine Musikgeselleschaft Orkester (Switzerland) * member of the Lucerne Orchestra, * member of the Zurich Chamber Orchestra and the Aargauishes Symphoniker Orchestra.
Richard has performed with the Raymond Long Orchestra and Douce Alliance which featured in the 1988 Centenary, 1989 PIAF and York Jazz Festival.
Richard is featured as a guest artist on the Rob Hyner Trio's album "Confluence" and "Blame It On My Youth", which also features Ashley Arbuckle.
* Toured with Rick Wakeman, Hank Marvin from the Shadows, Andrea Bocelli, Leonard Bernstein, Frank Zappa, Dame Kiri Te Kanawa, Jesse Norman and Michael Oldfield (Tubular Bells).
*Currently performing in a violin duo with Ashley Arbuckle OAM – who is the ex-concert master of WASO and the London Symphony Orchestra.
In 1995 Ashley was the only Australian musician invited to join Sir Georg Solti’s World Orchestra For Peace as part of the celebrations for the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations in Geneva.
Symphonic Strings is designed to help and encourage students to develop the essential techniques and skills required for bowing, plucking, quality tone and intonation, with attention to correct posture.
Students are also exposed to music theory, including music notation and rhythm, all in the aid of assisting students deveope their understanding of music reading and general music understanding, students are exposed to a variety of performance pieces and are assisted in building their reportoire, including many of the classics, emphasis will be placed on Aural – Ear training, which is essential for successful results with this particular instrument… including sound awareness.
Our classes have been uniquely designed in such a way that STUDENTS ARE ASSESSED AS INDIVIDUALS, allowing them to develop at their own pace, and not be held back by others, this also allows new students to enter the programme at any stage or time during any-one term.
“So much fun your child will not even suspect they are learning to read and play music.”
We work closely with our surrounding councils and various institutions, providing us opportunities for our students to help build confidence and skill through performance, including various community events. You can also watch your child grow musically through our performance recital/concerts which are held at the end of each semester (midyear and end of year), we have traditionally, and will continue to ensure that our recitals are friendly, encouraging, inspiring and FUN!!!! Including the presentation of certificates, whilst creating wonderful memories that last a lifetime, and the children are always asking “when is our next concert?” They really enjoy this event, and most importantly it builds SELF-ESTEEM and a “HUGE! CONFIDENCE BOOSTER!”
Private Lessons are delivered one on one and offered for Piano, Vocal, Guitar, Bass, and Violin and for all ages, however children younger than 7 years including any beginners under 11 years would be encouraged to attend specific programmes which are delivered in a class/group environment. Class/Group learning presents an opportunity for students to attain important values and skills and are more motivated to learn in a social environment, and will tend to stretch further and practice more to ensure they are able to keep up with their peers.
1 Sulphur Road, Kwinana, WA 6167, Australia
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1 Location
1 Sulphur Road, Kwinana, WA 6167, Australia
Phone: 0410388429
Website: www.wsom.com.au

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